We Welcome The Heart Litter!

Yesterday Chex had quite a day. She started with slight contractions around 1:30 pm and was slow in starting. We saw the first pup, Miss Pink, at 4:07. Everything went really smoothly with the first five pups, but by 8:00 it was clear we might have a serious problem. A phone call to my wonderful veterinarian, Kevin Cummins, was followed by a trip to the hospital to evaluate what was happening. After an ultrasound and x-ray we knew that the stuck pup was big and was trying to come through the birth canal upside down. Trying to rotate him was not working, so we had to do a C-section if we wanted to save one, if not both, of the remaining pups. So off to the OR they went, while Jim, Lise, Cindy and I waited with Mark, Dr. Cummins' son. In a fairly short time we heard voices from the back room and were able to watch Alex and Marco work on both pups. I can tell you there is nothing sweeter than the sound of screaming puppies! Dr. Cummins came out while later and introduced us to "the cute couple," Mr. Teal and Miss Olive. Chex came around well enough for us all to head home by 12:30 and she settled in nicely with her pups.
So without further ado, I would like to introduce the Heart litter:
Miss Pink, born at 4:07 pm, weighing in at 16 oz
Miss Black, born at 4:25, weighing in at 16 1/8 oz
Mr. Rust, born at 5:25, weighing in at 16 1/8 oz
Miss Rainbow, born at 6:00, weighing in at 15 1/8 oz
Miss Plum, born at 6:30, weighing in at 16 3/8 oz
Mr. Teal, born at 9:50, via C-section, weighing in at 18 3/8 oz
Miss Olive, born at 9:50 via C-section, weighing in at 16 1/2oz
Thanks to Dr. Cummins, Alex and Marco for being there for me, Chex and her two pups. Thanks to Mark Cummins for keeping us company while we waited! To Cindy Groveman, thanks for being the calm presence during the entire experience. To Phyllis Covino, thanks for staying with Scoop and the Country Music litter while we all headed off to the hospital. To Andy Chmar, thank you for putting up with the texts and phone calls during your anniversary dinner with Gayle.
I am uploading photos and video shortly - so enjoy!!!