Wednesday, December 6, 2006

First Car Ride

The pups had an exciting day yesterday when they and their dam headed off to my vet's for a quick check up. We usually do this right after their birth but this time they got to visit a little later. Both the pups and Una handled the trip easily although it took as much stuff to move them as it does a 6-month old baby, minus the diapers. We had a heating pad, a 2-liter soda bottle filled with warm water and a Snuggle, a microwaveable disc that stays warm. All of this and 5 pups packed in a sheepskin-filled laundry basket made for a load but they stayed nice and warm for the trip. All received a clean bill of health.

Today's agenda included nail clipping (Yikes!), oranges and more exercises. All the pups are gaining weight. The Big Four weight over 1 lb 13 ounces and little Mr Red is at 1 lb 5 ounces. Clearly Una has enough milk :-).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmmm.... apples and now oranges...shall have to come up with the name of a wine that has good fruit on the nose!